For some of you interested in obtaining “certificate” for operating chainsaws and brush cutters in Japan, here is info about next seminars in Kanagawa Prefecture. In my post January 18, 2019, I told you in Japan anybody who use chainsaws without the certificate, if something happens during the operation, does not have any legal protection nor insurance coverage which should be very important in such emergency. Or, if you want to use your chainsaw skill as a volunteer, or oh yes as a pro, the chances are you won’t be accepted for the post. I strongly recommend obtaining the certificate if you plan to use chainsaw in this country. For brush cutters, the law is not so strict but recently accident with the machine is becoming common. It would be wise to attend the seminar and learn a proper usage. One caveat: all the training for these tools is done only in Japanese in Japan. I don’t know if it is OK to attend these sessions with translators. You can ask about it, I guess. Good luck.

I. Chainsaw Usage Seminar
March 17, 18, 2025
@ Room Kitsutsuki of Ikoi-no-mori Forest, Odawara City
You have to sit for both days to obtain the certificate. Here is a photocopy of the notice of the seminar.

I translate the contents below.
March 17, 8:45-18:30
4 hours about for forestry work
2 hours about chainsaw work
2 hours about hand-arm syndrome and prevention
1 hour about Japanese law regarding forestry and chainsaw usage
March 18, 8:30-18:15
5 hours practical training about logging method
2 hours practical training about chainsaw method
2 hours practical training about inspection and maintenance of chainsaw
1. Attendance Voucher will be sent before the seminar. Make it sure you bring the voucher with you.
2. Before attending the course, you have to complete registration each day at the entrance of the room.
3. No shop or restaurant for the venue. Please bring your stationery and lunch.
4. In the seminar room, you have to wear room shoes. No street shoes allowed. Please bring your own room shoes.
5. Wear clothes comfortable to move around. Especially for the second day, long sleeve shirts and long pants are MUST.
23000 yen (including textbook, certificate, tax)
<How to apply>
1. First, you must call 045-261-3731 to notify your plan to attend the seminar, then,
2. Fax/email filled-in application form to
FAX: 045-251-4891
3. Pay Fee to
Bank of Yokohama, Isezakicho Branch 横浜銀行伊勢佐木町支店
Savings Account # 普通預金口座 0135824
Account Holder Name口座名 Forestry and Timber Manufacturing Safety and Health Association Kanagawa Branch 林業・木材製造業労働災害防止協会 神奈川県支部
4. Send the documents by post. The package must include
a. the original filled application form
b. a copy of transfer statement of fee payment
c. One ID photo of you; 3cm*2.5cm, no cap/hat, the background is in plain color; please write your full name in the back of the photo
Forestry and Timber Manufacturing Safety and Health Association Kanagawa Branch
Attn: Takahashi
9-149 Chojamachi, Naka Ward, Yokohama 231-0033
231-0033 横浜市中区長者町9-149 林業・木材製造業労働災害防止協会 神奈川県支部
担当 高橋
The venue of the seminar, Ikoi-no-Mori Forest is in
4294-1 Kuno, Odawara,
TEL 0465-32-0094
It can be accessed
1. By car: parking at Ikoi-no-Mori BBQ site
2. By public transportation:
Take Hakone-Tozan-Bus from #3 stop of West Exit of Odawara Station, destination Ikoi-no-Mori. Ride the bus to the terminal stop. Timetable is here.
Here is the application form.
Let me translate the required info from this doc. From the top and down,
1. Company/Organization name, only when you apply for the seminar as a member of an organization. If you attend the course as an individual, please skip this.
2. Postal code of your contact address
3. Your contact address
4. Your name, or PIC if you attend the course as a member of an organization.
5. Phone number during business hours
6. FAX number (if any)
7. Email address
Then the below boxes are names of attendee. If it's only you, write down your (from the left box to the right)
Full Name
Date of birth
Current address with phone number
These are the info for your certificate legally endorsing you are complying Japanese law for the usage of chainsaw.
Next, about a Safety Training Seminar for the usage of brush cutter. The detail is in this doc.

Let me translate.
<The date and venue>
February 18, 2025
@ 1st Floor, Seminar Room
Kanagawa Natural Environment Conservation Center 神奈川県自然環境保全センター
657 Nanasawa, Atsugi City, 243-0121
〒243-0121 厚木市七沢657 Phone: 046-248-0323
Oh yes. It’s the place I frequently mention at the end of my post.
Mechanism of brush cutter
Usage of brush cutter
Inspection and maintenance of brush cutter
About hand-arm syndrome and prevention
Japanese law regarding brush cutter
Practical training about brush cutter method
1. Attendance Voucher will be sent before the seminar. Make it sure you bring the voucher with you.
2. Before attending the course, you have to complete registration at the room entrance.
3. No shop or restaurant nearby. Please bring your stationery and lunch.
4. Wear clothes comfortable to move around. Long sleeve shirts and long pants are MUST.
13000 yen (including textbook, certificate, tax)
<How to apply>
It’s completely same for chainsaw seminar. Anyway,
1. First, you must call 045-261-3731 to notify your plan to attend the seminar, then,
2. Fax/email filled-in application form to
FAX: 045-251-4891
3. Pay Fee to
Bank of Yokohama, Isezakicho Branch 横浜銀行伊勢佐木町支店
Savings Account # 普通預金口座 0135824
Account Holder Name口座名 Forestry and Timber Manufacturing Safety and Health Association Kanagawa Branch 林業・木材製造業労働災害防止協会 神奈川県支部
4. Send the documents by post. The package must include
a. the original filled application form
b. a copy of transfer statement of fee payment
c. One ID photo of you; 3cm*2.5cm, no cap/hat, the background is in plain color; please write your full name in the back of the photo
Forestry and Timber Manufacturing Safety and Health Association Kanagawa Branch
Attn: Takahashi
9-149 Chojamachi, Naka Ward, Yokohama 231-0033
231-0033 横浜市中区長者町9-149 林業・木材製造業労働災害防止協会 神奈川県支部
担当 高橋
To go to Kanagawa Natural Environment Conservation Center 神奈川県自然環境保全センター, please see my post on March 15, 2019. And here is the application form.

It’s the same application form for chainsaw session.
Anyway, the seat is limited, first-come-first served. Especially chainsaw seminar is quick to be full. If you plan to use chainsaw legally in Japan, better to think about the seminar. Good luck for your learning 2025!