Sunday, March 2, 2025

Very Dry: what’s happening in Yadoriki Water Source Forest やどりき水源林?


It’s dry these days in Kanagawa Prefecture. Although we do not suffer wildfires like in Ofunato 大船渡 or LA, the dryness of our atmosphere can prick our skin … Having said that, it might be a natural thing for our climate. Here is the total amount of rainfall for each January since 1997 around Lake Tanzawa, a neighbor of Yadoriki Water Source Forest.
Sure, 2025 is in the lower precipitation group for January. But there were drier years before … We may not have a problem. However,

These are water blankets found in Yadoriki Stream in January. It spread widely over the water surface.

Normally in our climate, water blankets proliferate when the temperature of water is warm enough, like around 20°C. During our research of the river in December, the average water temperature for Yadoriki Stream was around 10°C, chilly enough for preventing water blanket mushroomed. In January, the precipitation was small and … the water might have warmed more than for average years … Globally warm winter? We were alarmed, and reported the incident to the Prefecture. We‘re watching the situation.

If you find environmental issues in Kanagawa Prefecture, please make a contact with Kanagawa Natural Environment Conservation Center 神奈川県自然環境保全センター

657 Nanasawa, Atsugi City, 243-0121
〒243-0121 厚木市七沢657

Phone: 046-248-0323

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